Sunday 8 March 2009

And Now It Begins

Tomorrow is the get in, and on Tuesday it is the Tech, 2nd Dress and Performance for Victor, Emma, Sandra and Tash. On Wednesday is the turn of Lucy, Danuish, Mez, Erica and Leigh. Ed and Zee are to help out on both nights.

We are all on edge, as we have all worked hard towards this. Rehearsal has been great, each time you rehearse you learn sonething new about acting and directing. Each time is differenct, but with familiar elements. This is the best job! An article was published about us in the 6th of March and I discovered it today. Despite the photos:), I'm glad that Stonecrabs are getting the publicity they deserve. Could not have done this without the Stoncrabs family and their supporters.

See you all soon.

Thursday 19 February 2009


The time is drawing near. We have sorted through actors cv's( thanks for applying!). Most of us have cast & on Monday rehearsals begin. It is hard to get 10 people different schedules to gel and some how we are to share a rehearsal space over the next two weeks. Thank God to Franko for making it work.

I am getting excited now...can't wait to do this!

All Best, Erica

Friday 6 February 2009

Heading towards the performance

I have managed so far not to post anything, as I just tend to do stuff and talk ( or this case write) after. But my time has come. We have all been giving the daunting task of devising, adapting or indeed writing our 13 minutes worth, to be performed as our last Stonecrabs Makers of Theatre piece.

I have gone all around the houses on this. First, I was going to adapt one of Angela Carter's Fairy Tales, but no...devising might be best and finally I thought I'd go ahead put pen to paper. This might appear as just indecisiveness, which there was a measure of, but it was due to realising clearly what I wanted to get out this task. I wanted to direct. I wanted to push my own boundaries. I wanted a piece to be something I will be proud of, even if I don't totally succeed in my vision. So writing it is. This was very scary for me, as I have never written any plays and I can't remember the last story I wrote.

I had started thinking of a theme for my devising work. I had looked at the news for my inspiration. Over the last 2/3 years and especially recently cases like Baby P, Shannon Matthews, Alexander Gallon etc, had highlighted the fact that children get hurt by their parents and other adults. Children aren't able to protect themselves, they are influenced by the environment that they are brought up in. They can't fight back, they don't get to vote and so it is the parents or social services choices that effect their lives. So the results of the wrong parenting, violence or neglect can lead to a result were in the best case scenario you get a child who turned to a deeply damaged adult. Those aren't the cases you tend to see in the news, though. You see abducted or maimed or dead children. And then you see adults talking about prevention or abdication responsibility to others. Now this is a theme I won't give up on & one I want to create a devised work in the future.

I wanted the theme of parents choices to remain part of my written work. So I wrote about something I know. I haven't had a childhood like Baby P or any of those you see in the paper. No violence maimed me. But I do have something in common with these children. My parents choices effect the way I see and am in the world. My parent were alcoholics. I can bet that in 99% of these cases of neglect and abuse that alcohol or another addictive substance helped the parents ignore caring for their children. Personally, I think people drink or take substances to forget or ignore truths about themselves or life. But you don't just forget about that one or two things you wish to, but it plugs you straight into the side of you would never want exposed. It brings up anger, grief, hate, self pity, depression and violence. So your child is exposed to all of these emotions on a daily basis. And it imprints on them, so the parent gives a child a wrong blue-print of what it to be an adult. I 'm not a anti-drug campaigner...I just wish that parents/adults would realise that truth is something that actually needs to be exposed. And drugs don't stop the truth, it's still there, no matter what!

The story of Heather isn't actually about alcohol, despite the therapy setting, it is about parenting and and how lack of truth leads you to look in the wrong places. Heather isn't me. But I think her story is something I and other people can relate to. Parents can screw you up, but then you have to sort out the damage. That should be your priority, and do it pronto! Before you have children. Did I mention I've got one on the way? Just joking!;-)

See you all on the 10th & 11th of March.

Best Wishes,